Sunday, July 4, 2021

Mantayupan Falls (again!) ❤


One of the most popular waterfall of South Cebu of is Mantayupan Falls.

This comes as no surprise with its grandeur and accessibility. It has become a go-to place of locals and tourists specially during weekends.

The Falls have two layers. Management built hangging bridge for those who wish to see the level 2.

Cottage and tables are also available.

Been here 4th times but still couldn't resist it's relaxing cold water.

If you are adventurous and a nature-lover, lots of exciting outdoor activities in and around this waterfalls.

Many people would get excited to get close to the the falls. Thus, they offered Php150 per hour to ride a simple bamboo raft.
Water falling from the top is strong. Tourists who will try the bamboo raft ride-adventure are advice to wear life jackets.

Truely, the place is perfect for your short break from bustling city life!

Have a coldy swimmy falls! 🤣

Blue Space Resort


Does quarantine-days feels you total blue?Missing the sun, and the sand with salty breeze?
We’ve found a perfect space for you to unwind and shake off after lockdown.

Blue Space Resort, is perfect for you! It is located in Candugay, Barili Cebu.

Thought the resort's name already make a noise to traveler's ear but the resort maintains health protocols so, it's not populated. 


They have pools and rooms too for overnight stay.

Cottages price depending on the size and the type.
Entrance fee is Php100.

Surely, you'll not just enjoy the crystal clear sea water but you'll be relax with the scenic view of the south wonders! 

Perfect for family and friends!

Have a salty and sandy gateaway! 💕